Technical features of Akranit

Resistance to Chemical Substances

Chemical Substance Result
Hydrocholoric %20 No change
Sulphuric acid %20 No change
Ammonia %25 No change
Sodium Hydroxide %40 No change
  Methyl Alcohol No change
  Teoluene No change
  Acetone No change
Stain Resistance
In compliance with the conditions of the DIN Standart 53 799, Akranit was left in continuous contact with soap solution, decontamination substances, toothpaste, hand lotion, alcoholic beverages, vinegar, fruit and vegetable juice, coffee, tea, lemonade and meat for hours. The traces that some substances left on Akranit´ s surface have been completely removed with a simple dry cleaning cloth or a thin sandpaper.
Unit Value
Specific gravity - gr / cm³ 1.77
Stretching resistance DIN 53 445 N / mm² 24
Bending resistance DIN 53 452 N / mm² 56
Impact resistance DIN 53 453 kj / m² 4.5
Hardness, barcol - - 55 - 60
Flammability resistance DIN 53 438 - Sınıf 1
 Heat endurance DIN 68 930 - 100 C no change


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Akpolimer Akrilik Levha San. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti